Solar Power

Solar power is possibly the cleanest, most dependable form of renewable energy in existence, and it could be utilized in a number of forms to help power your home or office. Solar-powered photovoltaic (PV) panels transform sunlight into electricity simply by exciting the electrons on silicon cells utilizing the photons of light coming from the sun. This electricity may then be utilized to provide renewable power to your home. For you to understand this system more, let’s consider the solar energy components that comprise a full solar power system.

The Roof System

In the majority of solar systems, solar panels are put on the roof. A perfect place does not have shade on the panels, particularly throughout the high sunlight hours of 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; the south-facing installation will often offer the greatest potential for your system, however other orientations could offer adequate generation. Trees or other elements which bring about shading in the daytlight can cause substantial drops to power generation. The value of shading and performance can’t be overstated. On a solar panel, in case even only one of the 36 cells is in the shade, power production would be decreased by over fifty percent. Experienced installation contractors can utilize a device known as a Solar Pathfinder to thoroughly determine possible spots of shading just before the installation. Not all roof gets the right positioning or angle of inclination to make the most out of the sun’s energy. Several systems are made having pivoting panels which keep track of the sun in its path all through the sky. Non-tracking PV systems must be inclined at an angle equivalent to the site’s latitude in order to absorb the highest possible amount of energy all throughout the year. Alternate orientations and/or inclinations could be used to maximize power production for specific times during the day or for particular months of the year.

Solar panels

Solar panels, also called modules, consist of photovoltaic cells made out of silicon which convert incoming sunlight into electrical power instead of heat. Solar photovoltaic cells are made up of a positive and a negative film of silicon inserted within a thin piece of glass. When the photons of the sun power beat down on these cells, they hit the electrons off the silicon. The negatively-charged free electrons are drawn to a single side of the silicon cell, that produces an electric voltage that could be accumulated and channeled. This current is collected by cabling the individual solar panels altogether in series connection to make a solar photovoltaic array. Based on the dimensions of the installation, several strings of solar pv array cables end in a single electrical box, known as the fused array combiner. Included inside the combiner box are fuses made to protect each module cables, and also the connections which supply energy to the inverter. The electrical power generated at this point is DC (direct current) and should be transformed into AC (alternating current) ideal for use in your home or office.